
SEO, Design, and Development Clients

This is the Devrod. Client page. Here you will find excerpts from Letters of Recommendation from past and present clients expressing their opinions of work we have done. If you care to see the original letters, there is a link to them at the end of each excerpt. Just tap/click on (Orig...), and a new tab with a PDF formatted version of the original document will open. When you finish just close the tab and return here. Feel free to contact the letter makers. If you have any problem due to unforeseen changes give us call so we may help.

Padre Island Rentals

"I am pleased to personally recommend Rodman Browning for consideration of employment. As company controller, I have known Rodman throughout his tenure at Padre Island Rentals. We worked in close proximity and he was extremely helpful and knowledgeable as he instructed and assisted in many varied customizations, modifications and upgrades. His creativity, resourcefulness and ability to work flexible hours were a signature to bring these to fruition. In his role as IT Director, he successfully developed several innovations which lead to an increase in revenue and overall profitability for our company. Rodman is self motivated drawing on his wealth of experience and learning and is uniquely qualified and well suited for working independently. He is a proven multitasker, outlining and planning projects while simultaneously completing the details for another. He was the daily go-to person supporting all company hardware and software. His additional work assignments were many and included Site Updateing and maintaining our websites, designing a company intra-net, assisting in authoring and layout of rental agreements and confirmation letters, brochures and maps. Comments on the text and layout of our website and the feedback on all of these have been very positive. I highly recommend him for any position of employment in your company in which he may spend his passion and share his talents with others. He would make a great asset to any organization." Orig...

D Geiger

Business Communications Solutions

"I highly recommend Rodman Browning for any web design or web development position you may be considering him for. Rodman worked for me while I was President of Business Communication Solutions. During the time we worked together he made a huge impact on our company’s branding. He built our company website, gave us a much more professional look, as well as built many of our customer’s sites as well. As web developer Rodman revamped our look, content, and optimized our site for Google and other search engines. In the first year traffic to our site grew 40% per month. Likewise, prospective business contacts from our website grew from 4 to 25 per month in the same time frame. In addition to having excellent Webmaster skills, Rodman has been a great team player. He is always ready to jump in anywhere we need help. If you would like any more information about Rodman, please feel free to contact me." Orig...

K Nguyen

Crowder Industrial Radiator Service Inc

"Thank you for doing such a great job on Site Updateing our company website. You have helped us to reach our goal of getting our business message in front of our customers, thereby increasing our sales and profitability...

With 40 years of experience, we feel we have so much to offer people. We needed a website that search engine users could easily put in their search words and find our radiator service company on the first page. A great website that customers can’t find is not profitable and would definitely not accomplish our goals of increasing our sales...

True to your word, you came through for us making our experience enjoyable and stress-free. Our work days are stressful enough without anything else being added to it, such as building a new website. You understood how busy our days are, and you were patient and actually pushed us just enough, without being irritating, as you worked with us to get all the information together for you so that you could build our website in a timely manner, meeting all the deadlines we had set from the beginning of the project...

My husband and I would happily recommend you with confidence to anyone looking for a web designer who is more than able to help a business accomplish its goals of website design, web integration and performance, SEO services." Orig...

C Crowder


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